Why Study in China
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Why Study in China
According to statistics from Ministry of Education, a total of 377054 international students from 203 countries and regions have been studying in Chinain the year 2014 .An increase of 20555 than in 2013; the growth rate is 5.77% (the above data are excluding students fromHong Kong,MacaoandTaiwan). There is no doubtChinahas become one of the top destinations to study around the world.
They are plenty of reasons why students choose to study inChina.
1. Chinese culture
Quite a large number of students choose to study in china because of its rich and profound culture. With a history of more than 5000 years),Chinawill let you know what is called an Ancient Civilization. Chinese culture is so diverse and unique, yet harmoniously blended, and presents itself an invaluable asset to the world.
The guide contains articles divided into "national traditions & the heritage ofChina" and "the arts inChina". Topics include: Chinese food, China World heritage sites,China's festival,China's Kung Fu andBeijingopera.
2. Chinese language
Learn Chinese, the most widely spoken language in the world – Mandarin Chinese is the native language of 885 million people! Discovering the beauty of Chinese characters, the depth of Chinese culture and the kindness of the people will change your life forever.
3. Quite affordable expense
Education costs are always a headache for those who want to study around the world. Study and living inChinais quite cheaper than other European countries evenJapan,South Koreaand other countries. LikeUK, Tuition for the majority ofUKhigher education institutions generally £6,000 to £7,000 a year no mention of US, can be $25,000 or more a year in tuition alone. While inChina, total 4 years tuition fee can be equal to UK-considerably less!
4. High quality degrees and qualifications
Chinese universities are striving for global recognition and to compete with top universities across the global. The academic qualifications awarded by Chinese universities are recognized by most developed countries. The Chinese government has signed an agreement on mutual recognition of academic qualifications with a number of countries including theUnited States,Britain,France,Japanand 65 other countries and regions.
5. Global experience
Our faculty, staff, and students shine in diversity. Your classmates come from not only one country, but all over the world to participate in a truly unique and well-rounded educational experience.
Choose to study inChinaand begin your fantastic experience!