English-Taught Program(Bachelor)

Food Science

Civil Engineering

International Economy and Trade

International Marketing

Computer Science and Technology

Telecommunication Engineering

Applied Physics and Laser 3D Technology

Information and Computational Science

Digital Media Technology

Measuring and Control Technology


Address: No.318, Liu-he-lu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 310023, China

Campus Life


1. Tuition Fees:
Short-term Chinese Language Program: RMB 1800 Yuan/months.
Long-term Chinese Language Program: RMB 6500 Yuan/semester or 13,000 Yuan/year.
Bachelor's Degree Program in Chinese:
RMB 15,000 Yuan/year for the following majors: Science, Engineering, Literature, Management
RMB 18,000 Yuan/year for the following majors: Art Design
Bachelor’s Degree Program in English:
RMB 16,000 Yuan/academic year for English-taught majors of International Economics & Trade and International Marketing.
RMB 18,000 Yuan/academic year for English-taught majors of Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Technology (Information Technology), Information and Computational Science (Statistics and Financial Actuarial Science), Food Science and Engineering, Communication Engineering

2. Books and Learning Materials:
It will depend on the real price of books delivered (about RMB 300-600 Yuan per semester).

3. Accommodation:
Single Room: RMB 1200 Yuan/month (1-student shared), including water bill and internet bill. Electricity bills should be paid by the student themselves.
Double Room: RMB 600 Yuan/month/person (2-student shared), including water bill and internet bill. Electricity bills should be paid by students themselves.
Accommodation fee includes water bill and internet bill, but excludes electricity bill. Once the students decided to live in the dormitory, he or she should live at least one semester. Students should pay accommodation fees for at least 5 months when they register.
Room Deposit: RMB 1000 Yuan. It will be returned if all equipment is in good condition when students check out.
Room Contents: Each room contains a bed, wardrobe, desk, chair, bookshelf, TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, heater, and shower. A public washing machine room and public kitchen is available for student use in the dormitory.

4. Insurance Fee:
RMB 400 Yuan for half an academic year or 800 Yuan for a full academic year; all students are required to purchase insurance.

5. Bed set: RMB 350~550 Yuan/person

6. Electricity Fee Prepaid: RMB 1000 Yuan.
When electricity fee prepaid is not enough, the Electricity bills should be paid at the first week of the month.

Tel: +86-13656656407   Whatsapp: +86-13656656407   Skype: sophiacontact   E-mail: admissionoffice@126.com
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